Globe Valve Detail 1
This figure illustrates the internal components of a globe valve.
A - This shows the seat ring. The seat ring acts as a gasket between the valve plug and the valve body. When the plug is in full close position, the presence of the ring ensures a leak-proof operation.
B - The valve plug. Notice that in this particular design, the plug is machined on the both ends to allow seating against a matching surface.
C - Packing Follower. Notice that the bottom part of the follower sits on top of the packing rings. As the follower is pushed down, the packing rings get squeezed.
D - Packing Rings. Notice how the packing rings surround the valve stem. As they are squeezed by the packing follower, they press against the valve stem and stop or limit the leakage of fluid along the stem. The term "gland follower" is sometimes used instead of the term "packing follower."