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Catalytic Reforming – continued.

The figure provided here illustrates a schematic diagram for a platforming process. The term "platforming" indicates a reforming process which uses platinum as catalyst.

In this process feedstock is heated in a furnace and passed through a reactor. This process (heating by a furnace and passage through a reactor) is repeated two more times.

The effluent from the last reactor is cooled and sent to a separator to permit removal of the hydrogen-rich gas stream from the top of the separator for recycling. The liquid product from the bottom of the separator is sent to a fractionator called a stabilizer. It makes a bottom product called reformate. The term “reformate” means product of a “reforming” process. Remember, platforming is a type of “reforming” process.

Butanes and lighter hydrocarbons rise to the top through the overhead system and are sent to the saturated gas plant for further processing.