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Block Diagrams - continued.

Here's another example of a Block Diagram.

This block diagram relates to a refinery. To make sense of this block diagram you do not need any petrochemical experience or knowledge. The block diagram should be clear enough to provide you with the basic knowledge about flowpaths, etc.

In this particular case we see that feed consists of C3/C4. The C6 Fractionating Column accepts the feed and produces two separate streams - one for C3 and one for C4. The C4 stream is routed to the pump P1 - which pumps it out as the "Bottoms Product".

The C3 stream is routed to the Overheads Accumulator E8, from where it is routed to the pump P2. The pump P2, pumps out the C3 stream as "Overheads Product".

This figure also shows a cyclical flow through the E5 Reboiler. The reboiler accepts some substance (not identified) and returns it back to the point of origin.